

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-10-30  浏览次数:10213   状态:状态
展会日期 2018-05-09 至 2018-05-12
展出城市 重庆
展出地址 重庆市渝北区悦来大道66号
展馆名称 重庆国际博览中心
主办单位 重庆市经济与信息化委员会、重庆市商务委员会、重庆市立嘉会议展览有限公司



-        Incubate Intelligent Equipment Market

     引领装备智能化新发展 Lead the New Development of Intelligent Equipment

聚集各界力量 传播制造理念及先进技术

Gather the Powers of All Circles and Spread the Manufacture Concept and Advanced Technology

推进行业实践   分享示范成果

Advance the Industrial Practice and  Share the Successful Experiences


Construct an ecosystem of Internet plus machinery and accessories by breaking the industrial borderline


More varieties of substances on exhibition: Improved exhibitions in the field of metalworking, automation and digital plant; more exhibitions of information technologies, aluminum fabrication and critical elements; and added exhibition of industrial assembly, service and logistics.


Piloted by new technologies and focused on new products to ensure all-round improvement of the exhibitions: Besides 1500 sets of physical equipments, theme activities on intelligent manufacture, defense industry and automobile will be held during the event. Nearly 50 technical forums will be open.


Improved concept of serving the customers: Piloted by market demands, we will provide one-to-one service to important exhibitors and users.

■ 上届共有来自美国、日本、德国、瑞士、瑞典等10余个国家,以及中国香港、台湾地区和国内其他20多个省市的1000余家知名企业出席展会,展出面积达78000平方米,

The last event attracted nearly 1000 companies from China Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and over 10 foreign countries including U.S., Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Swede. The exhibition space was up to 78,000m2.

■ 来自重庆、四川、贵州等省市的31773名专业观众、采购商莅临现场参观采购

Professional visitors and buyers up to 31733 from Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and other provinces arrived at the venue for visit and purchase.

■ 预计本届展会1300家企业参展,展出面积85000平方米,汇聚40000名专业观众

It is expected that this event will attract 1300 companies and 40,000 professional visitors. The exhibition space will reach 85,000m2.

日程安排:    Schedule:


展商布展时间:2018年5月6-7日      8:30-20:00  

 Preparation:          May 6 – 7, 2018         8:30-20:00

              5月8日               8:30-22:00                 

              May 8, 2018                8:30-22:00

观众开放时间:2018年5月9-11日     9:30-16:45   

Open to Visitors: May 9 – 11, 2018      9:30-16:45

                5月12日            9:30-13:30                 

 May 12, 2018             9:30-13:30

展商撤展时间:2018年5月12日      14:00-24:00  

Removal:              May 12, 2018                 14:00-24:00



Visitors in Last Event:



Value-added Service Plan for Exhibitors



The value-added service plan is intended to help the exhibitors achieve the best effect of participation in the event and attract the best visitors. We will publicize the event and organize the visitors. We will provide one-to-one services for the exhibitors to solicit the visitors. We may provide every support to help you improve your reputation and influence before and during the event. (You have to pay for this service)






Sponsors Wanted for New Technology, New Equipment and New Process Forum (Tri-New Forum) and Industrial Salon

To promote the application of new technologies, new equipment and new processes in West China and steer the manufacture industry from its growth based on scale to sustainable development based on technical advancement, the Organizer will organize different themes and categories of tri-new forums in the main industrial cities of West China from 2017. A great number of users will be attracted.

From 2018, we will continue to organize Tri-new Forums in Sichuan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Yunnan, and launch industrial exchanges focused on automobile, aerospace, railway equipment, mould, shipbuilding, defense industry, petroleum machinery and new industries.

If you desire to sponsor the tri-new forum and industrial salon, please call 023-86376300.


Page 4: Main Forum and Activities


Main Forum:


Intelligent Manufacture Forum and the 9th Exchange on Digital Technology in Military Manufacture

会议主题:智能制造 军民融合





Theme: Intelligent Manufacture and Combination of Military and Civil Applications

Time: May 8 – 10, 2018

Place: Conference Center of Chongqing Expo Center (Liangjiang Hall)

Scale: 1000 Audiences (50% are representatives from military enterprises)

Introduction: This forum will discuss the latest technologies and equipment in intelligent manufacture. Besides, it will also introduce the world’s latest trend of manufacture, with the focus on digitalizing process in military industry and its application in civil sectors.



Last Intelligent Manufacture Forum in China (Chongqing)


Title sponsor is solicited for the above forums and activities. For further information, please call 023-86376300.


 Activities during the Event


Theme activities focused on intelligent manufacture, defense industry and automobile will be held during the event. Nearly 50 technical forums / technical exchanges will be open. Below is part of the themes. You may contact us for co-organizing these activities or initiating other themes as you desire.



509 智能制造主题交流日

May 9: Intellectual Manufacture Day


1)       第六届工业机器人与智能制造技术论坛 The 6th Industrial Robots and Intelligent Manufacture Forum

2)       第二届西部制造业物流与供应链创新高峰论坛  The 2nd West China Summit on Logistics and Supply Chain in Manufacture Industry

3)       设备维修管理交流和培训 Equipment Repair and Management Exchange and Training

4)       西门子(中国)有限公司的技术交流会 Technical Exchange by Siemens (China)

5)       北京发那科机电有限公司的技术交流会 Technical Exchange by Beijing FANUC

6)       第二届中国(重庆)智能制造国际论坛 The 2nd China (Chongqing) International Forum on Intelligent Manufacture

7)       数控机床可靠性工程及应用研讨会 CNC Machine Tool Reliability and Application Forum

8)       中美(重庆)智能制造合作论坛 Sino-America (Chongqing) Forum on Intelligent Manufacture

9)       一带一路高端制造合作论坛 The Belt and Road Forum on Hi-end Manufacture

10)    工厂智能化生产线具体实例及技术要求 Case Study and Technical Requirements for Intelligent Line in Plants

11)    机床行业现状及未来发展趋势论坛 Current Status and Trend of Machine Tool Industry

12)    电子行业的发展趋势对精密加工的要求 Trend of Electronic Industry and its Requirements for Precision Machining

13)    3D打印技术在模具制造的应用以及新工艺 Application of 3D Print in Mould Manufacture and New Technologies

14)    互联网技术和大数据在工厂的应用 Application of Internet and Big Data in Factory

15)    AR增强现实技术在工业制造领域的应用和软件开发  Application of Augmented Reality (AR) in Manufacture and Software Development

16)    VR虚拟现实技术在智能制造领域的应用和软件开发 Application of Virtual Reality (VR) in Intelligent Manufacture and Software Development

17)    工业自动化系统集成技术交流会 Technical Exchange on Industrial Automation System Integration

18)    智能制造时代下的工业设计沙龙 Industrial Design in the Era of Intelligent Manufacture

19)    数字化工厂应用技术解决方案 Technical Solutions for Digital Plant Application

20)    精益制造管理加速企业智能制造应用交流 How Lean Manufacturing Expedites the Application of Intelligent Manufacture

21)    云制造理念及模式探讨 Discussion on the Concept and Model of Cloud Manufacture

22)    机床的技术创新与智能制造以及发展方向 Machine Tool Innovation, Intelligent Manufacture and Trend

23)    激光焊接前沿技术交流会 Forum on Frontier Technology of Laser Welding

24)    中国工业互联网技术及应用研讨会 Industrial Internet Technology and its Application in China

25)    中国智能制造及工业自动化趋势研讨沙龙 Trend of Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation in China

26)    物联网技术与应用交流会 IoT Technology and its Applications

27)    智能制造主题日冷餐会 Buffet Dinner on Intelligent Manufacture Day

510   军工航空航天主题交流日

May 10: Military and Aerospace Day

1)       第5届工业自动化与数字化工厂技术改造技术交流会 The 5th Technical Exchange on Industrial Automation and Digital Factory Renovation

2)       第三届中国高精铝材深加工论坛 The 3rd China Forum on Aluminum Depth and Precision Fabrication

3)       第三届中国高精铝材深加工论坛铝深加工商务对接会 The 3rd China Business Negotiation on Depth and Precision Aluminum Fabrication

4)       国防军工主题日专家问诊—激光加工技术 Experts Report – Laser Machining Technology

5)       国防军工主题日专家问诊—铝深加工技术 Experts Report –Aluminum Depth Fabrication

6)       第六届航空航天零部件加工技术交流会 The 6th Technical Exchange on Machining of Aerospace Parts

7)       航空发动机制造对制造装备的要求 Requirements of Aero Engines for Manufacture Equipment

8)       兵器制造业发展趋势对装备行业的要求 Trend of Weapon Manufacture and its Requirements for Machine Industry

9)       航空航天复合材料加工的高效加工方案 Efficient Plan for Machining of Aerospace Composite Materials

10)    航空叶片加工技术交流及新工艺应用 Machining of Aero Blades and Application of New Technologies

11)    先进刀具技术与航空零件切削加工应用 Advanced Cutters and their Application in Machining of Aero Components

12)    激光切割技术在航空零部件加工中的应用及新工艺 Application of Laser Cutting and its New Technologies in Aero Parts 

13)    激光成形制造技术在大型钛合金结构件中的应用 Application of Laser Forming Technology in Large Titanium Alloy Structural Parts

14)    首届重庆军民融合高峰论坛(或沙龙)The 1st Chongqing Summit on Military and Civil Combination

15)    军民融合产业发展论坛--民营企业如何掘金军品市场 Forum on Military and Civil Combination: How Private Enterprises Access Military Market

16)    军工企业车间的建立及智能化管理解决方案 Solutions to Construction and Intelligent Management of Military Manufacture Shops

17)    离散制造业智能工厂解决方案 Solutions to Intelligent Factory in Disperse Manufacture

18)    航空航天常用材料加工工艺以及新技术的应用 Common Materials and New Technologies for Aerospace Industry

19)    国防军工、航空航天主题冷餐会 Buffet Dinner on Military and Aerospace Day


511   汽车制造主题交流日

May 11: Automobile Manufacture Day

1)       2018中国西部压铸技术发展论坛 2018 China West Forum on Die Casting Technology

2)       2018重庆市铸造年会 2018 Chongqing Annual Conference for Foundry

3)       2018第二届机械制造业专业工程师交流会 The 2nd Mechanical Engineer Exchange 2018

4)       重庆市热处理行业协会第三届四次会员大会 The 4th Membership Conference of Chongqing Heat Treatment Association

5)       2018重庆锻协锻压技术交流会 2018 Forging Technology Exchange by Chongqing Forging Association

6)       汽车主题日专家问诊--汽车齿轮加工技术 Experts Report: Automobile Gear Machining

7)       汽车主题日专家问诊--铸造压铸技术 Experts Report: Foundry and Die Casting Technology

8)       汽车主题日专家问诊--钣金加工技术 Experts Report: metalworking Technology

9)       2018新能源汽车与智能制造高端论坛

10)    汽车行业零部件技术加工交流会 Technical Exchange on Automotive Parts Machining

11)    汽车覆盖件的发展趋势以及对现代加工技术的要求 Trend of Automobile Coverings and their Requirements for Modern Machining Technology

12)    汽车涂装先进工艺技术交流会 Technical Exchange on Automobile Painting Technology

13)    2018先进汽车制造技术与装备交流会(车联网、视觉检测、安全传感技术等)2018 Advanced Automobile Technology and Equipment

14)    齿轮、轮毂、变速箱、发动机等专业类别制造技术交流会或沙龙 Technical Exchange or Salon for such themes as gears, hubs, gearbox and engines

15)    西部市场汽车产业链高峰论坛 Supply Chain Summit for West Automobile Market

16)    汽车零部件配套采购趋势交流会 Trend for Purchase of Automobile Parts

17)    汽车智能制造及数字化工厂技术研讨会 Technical Forum on Automobile Intelligent Manufacture and Digital Factory

18)    工业机器人技术在汽车智能制造中的应用 Application of Industrial Robots in Automobile Intelligent Manufacture

19)    汽车主题日冷餐会 Buffet Dinner for Automobile Day


The 2nd China Forum on Aluminum Depth and Precision Fabrication


■ 技术交流会:8000元/场(2小时)、配置为60人剧院式、配套投影仪、标准背景板、音响、话筒、笔记本电脑、矿泉水、纸、笔。




■ 广告征订以整体订做为主,零星订做为辅;                                                         

■ 组织机构有权根据总体规化,调整广告布局;                                                             

■ 如需保留订做的广告制品,须在合同上注明,并于展会撤展当天到现场组委会办公室接洽;

■ 其他特殊广告将结合展商要求来确认相关事宜;

■ 更多广告欢迎与业务人员洽谈。








中国机械工业联合会    国家国防科技工业局信息中心 中国铝业协会              

重庆市铸造学会         成都市机械制造业商会      四川省国防科技工业协会

重庆铸造行业协会       成都市钣金行业协会        四川省模具工业协会

重庆市模具工业协会    成都市模具工业协会        德阳市工商业联合会机械同业商会                  重庆锻压行业协会      重庆市造船工程学会         武汉. 中国光谷激光行业协会

成都经济技术开发区模具工业协会                 重庆市机器人与智能装备产业联合会 

重庆市机器人学会       重庆市职工技协焊接协会                   




Range of exhibits







Die casting machine / peripheral equipment/melting equipment/consumable materials / low-pressure casting post-machining and surface treatment equipment, casting equipment and raw materials/

Testing and measuring equipment;

Heat treatment; industrial furnace;

Precision aluminum materials and fabrications; aluminum equipment / spare parts / aluminum separating, treatment and refining equipment;

Aluminum surface treatment: Special surface treatment and polishing equipment for aluminum products; aluminum materials/

Primary metallic products, semi-finished products and semi-synthetic products;





电话:023-86376310              传真:023-86376323

Email:13983431182@139.com      网址:www.cwmte.com.cn/chongqing





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